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Software by
Minesight Software Solutions from Mintec
These functions are available to interactively manipulate solid, surface, and polygon data in the MineSight 3D CAD environment. Generation of mining cuts for open pit mining and drillhole spearing, coding, and point functions are also included.
Software by
Minesight Software Solutions from Mintec
Design pits using the MineSight 3D Pit Expansion tool:Dump, dyke, spoil design Pit expansion: upward or downward, inward or outwardVariable berm widthsSimple face and pit slopesComplex face slopes, pit slopes, and berms defined by wall azimuth or model codeRoad, ...
Software by
Minesight Software Solutions from Mintec
3D Functions for Underground layout and design. Plan underground blast patterns with the Ring Design tool, and design vertical openings, by lift, with the Vertical Opening Tool.
Software by
Mine Ground Control
<p>The Analysis of Coal Pillar Stability (ACPS) incorporates the latest research findings in the field of pillar design, including an expanded multiple seam case history data base and a new method to evaluate room and pillar panels containing multiple rows ...
Software by
iRing Inc.
<p>The Next Generation in Blasting Software.<br />Aegis is a revolutionary underground mining application that allows underground mine planners to design the optimal drill and blast patterns over 5 times faster than before. Aegis combines the ability to create ...
Software by
<p>Here’s the software you need to get started or for mining basics at a low cost. It’s the perfect AutoCAD/IntelliCAD mining add-on to Carlson Civil and is geared to those who need a low cost tool for simple mining practices. It can be upgraded ...
Software by
The Carlson Surface Mining module enables users to find the most efficient mine design by testing layouts in plan, section and 3D view. Use Carlson to:<ul><li>Integrate geologic and surface modeling with plan view, 3D view, and section view mine layout routines</li><li>Get ...
Software by
The Carlson Underground Mining module enables users to individualize their design with:<ul><li>Choice of pillar designation and preferred method of locating pillars and rib lines</li><li>Ability to choose ventilation directions including automatically placing ...
Software by
Minesight Software Solutions from Mintec
MineSight Packages begin with MineSight Core. MineSight Core supplies functions for creating, managing, manipulating, and displaying MineSight data.
Software by
Minesight Software Solutions from Mintec
MineSight Data Analyst analyzes, evaluates, and reports on project drillhole, blasthole, and model data. MineSight Data Analyst processes drillhole, blasthole, and model data (3D block, stratigraphic, surface) with complex statistical and geostatistical programs ...